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Money peace and ease

Creating a constant overflow of money and resources is one of the cornerstones in enjoying your life and business. And there is always more than enough money in the world – you know this deep within.

But how do you plug into that collective overflow and manifest the life of your dreams?  

This course is for you who are ready to manifest the results you are longing for without the hassle and fear.

  • It’s for you who experience that the old way of hustling and forcing your way to receive abundance is no longer in alignment with how you really are.
  • Cause you know you are longing to circulate bigger resources and results than you are right now.
  • You are not too sure if you are living your life in alignment with the creator and your true self – or you know you are not, because the results in the physical world show.
  • You want to let go, once and for all, of old patterns concerning money that no longer serve you.
  • You have a deep desire to create a new and much more successful money story in your life! So you don’t have to be concerned about money entering your field anymore.
  • You are ready to go deep and transform your money and abundance blocks on all levels – now! 

If you feel a “hell yes” of one or more of the above, then I would love to invite you on this powerful journey!

I am ready for money flow!

It’s all connected

Often we see our “problems” as an isolated symptom that we must “fix” either mentally, emotionally, physically or energetically.   

But… for me it’s all connected and therefore it only makes sense to work on all levels at once!    

Let me give you an example:

When we focus exclusively on e.g. “mindset training”, our chances of succeeding are very small. And super inefficient! Simply because we only adjust on one button/level out of many possible. At the same time, some buttons are far more efficient and sustainable to work with than others.

But with a conscious approach to the desired change, you can go from symptom treatment, to solving the real underlying problem.

That’s why I always work on all levels simultaneously, when I create change for women, men, managers, teams and self employed.

Simply because it is much more efficient and sustainable.

Money, love and resources are deeply connected.

In this course we release blocks in a context of money and resources.

Maybe you are longing for more: time, help, love and/or customers in your business. No matter the lack in your life, you can bring it to the table and we will release it all at once. 

The universe is always trying to bring you as much abundance as possible.

(But) Do you allow it in your energyfield?

Create abundance from your highest potential

Most of us think we are connected with “source” when co-creating our lives.

But my experience is that you are not. That’s why the result doesn’t land in your physical world and you think you have to hassle your way through life.

Maybe you are experiencing some of the problems listed below and not creating the results you are longing for;

  • You are not connected to the highest potential and therefore creating from a place of lack and smallness.
  • You operate from too many fear based stories involving money that blocks you from receiving.
  • You subconsciously reject money because you are afraid of the consequences.
  • You have tried so many different methods and lack clarity of where you are self sabotaging yourself and your money ease.
  • You honestly don’t believe that money peace and ease is possible for someone like you (and you’re tired of trying outdated metodes, at the same time you feel stuck and the pain of not succeeding is much more hurtful) 
  • You carry old karma deals from previous lifes that are recirculating in this lifetime.

Do you recognize some of these problems?

Breaking down the walls of fear and lack, in order for you to reconnect with something bigger than you, is the gateway to more abundance on all levels. That’s why I am here to help you to:


Create money flow with peace and ease.

Are you ready to step into your next level of overflow?

I have always used spiritual tools myself to create personal success in my life, but I have often felt alone on a journey that is not for everyone.

Reality is, that most people believe 1 + 1 equals 2.

This is how far our imagination reaches, when we only approach life mentally and practically. But I have always known that we can make 1 + 1 equal much more, when we also master our life on the energetic and emotional levels.

(Let me share a little “secret” with you: What looks like “magic” is really just a result of harmony between the mental, physical, emotional and energetic levels). 

It may sound difficult, complicated and maybe even overwhelming to translate into your own life, but don’t despair. I just created this cource to create the environment and the support that I know it requires when we want to create a change that goes beyond logic and the limitations of the mind.  

Because if you’re just a little like me, you also have visions that can feel so big that you have a hard time seeing how they’ll ever manifest. Until you understand exactly how.

Yes! I am ready!

So, how does this work?

The course consist of:

– 5 workshops on; How to release money and resources blocks on the mental, psychical, emotional and energetic level. That way you open the floodgates for more flow and abundance to enter your field on all levels. Easily.

– 2 Energy Upgrade audios on the subject, that will clean your energy field deeper and deeper each time you listen. 1 is already accesable when you book the course.

– 2 bonus modules to kick start a new powerful money journey and a peaceful relationship with money and resources (which I am going to record in Bali).

– 1 bonus audio already tested by my VIPs, which will help you create your life from alignment. You get access to this audio right away when you enter the course. 

– You will get access to Voxer (texting) the whole time to support you during the transformation.

The dates for the bonus material and workshops: 

Bonus material: week 40. 

Workshops: Thursday the 10th of October; 24th of October; 31th of October, 7th of November; 14th of November; all of them live on zoom at 10 o’clock.

On the 21st of November I will clear the energy of our money field with a group Energy Upgrade.

The time span for Voxer is from October 7th and will last until November 29th. 

There is replay access on all the content.  

When you are a VIP client you will get free access during your mentorship period. 

Money peace and ease

Are you ready to step into your next level of overflow?

If this sounds like a “hell yes” to you, I would like to invite you to join the course rigth away. I am SOOO excited to take you on this powerful and life transforming journey towards more money flow.

The total price for lifetime access is:
6.000 DKK + tax (7.500 DKK). 

Or 3 x 2.750DKK

Yes, I am ready for money flow!